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Modern science evolved from natural philosophy through the over-specialization of scientists. Biologists have not escaped this trend, and with every new technology, ‘model organism’, or scientific clique, a new type of biologist is born. Biomusings is a small effort to bring back biology from its pieces, with the hope that every biologist can find something interesting to read or say.

Biomusings is run by a *very* small team of graduate students at the Georgia Institute of Technology:

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Pedro Márquez-Zacarías

Pedro is a PhD candidate at Georgia Tech, working with Prof. William Ratcliff on the evolution of multicellularity. He is also interested in the philosophy of biology, and the history and development of theoretical biology. You can find more about his research here, and you can find him on Twitter here.

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Jennifer Rattray

Jennifer holds a PhD from Georgia Tech. She has been interested in how bacterial collective action is composed from individual behavior, using a quorum sensing model system. You can find more about her research here, and you can also find her on Twitter.